Conversational Design for You

UPDATE: If you do want to buy a copy of the print book, it’s now available direct through July.

I wrote Conversational Design in 2018 as a plea to make systems and design processes more effective and more human-centered by letting go of our preconceptions around both design and conversation. Wow, do we seem to be going in the wrong direction with the AI hype in these times. So, for a limited time, you can download the full PDF of Conversational Design. Free. (Truly this is the most ironic format given the content).

At this point, the examples will make you nostalgic, but the principles are as true as they were lo these 6 years, because humans haven’t changed. And I guessed correctly that everyone still riffs on that poem about plums. Of course, there’s so much I want to change and add in the next edition, and a bit that makes me cringe, but that’s going to take a little while. Because books.

The most important thing is that you must promise to read the book if you do download it. It’s short and fun, and has lots of pictures, so I’m talking a couple hours here. We’re not going to make you subscribe to our newsletter to get access, because that’s not how we roll. We would love it if you did, though.

And if you would like to give us a modest amount of money in return, please get your copy of the totally updated Design Is a Job. It is a delightful messy physical object and necessary pep talk that comes with assorted little bonus items for which human designers and print shops were paid. All proceeds go to us, but we will probably just turn around and commission more stickers with the money.


The Luck Has Changed